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Welcome to My Personal Media Profile

Why am I doing this?

Taking an interest in journalism from the early stages of my life, I have decided to take it a step further and showcase my skills in the hope that I will induce other like minded individuals, who share the same passion as myself, by proving my skills and hopefully opening up career opportunities for me. 

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Starting the OCR Cambridge extended certificate in Digital Media in 2022 it has really helped me establish the foundation of learning required to excel when starting any career in journalism having developed key skills required in this specialist field through my studies.

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In the creation of my logo for my UNIT 21 project I've chosen this logo as my final design, I believed it was very compatible with the interactivity idea I wanted to use for my charity campaign, the contrasting colours make it easy on the eyes and the circular writing around the logo gives it the feel of a true charity brand. I've used infinity signs, as a hidden meaning, to show how the donations given are forever helping for the amelioration of the people of Yemen and this can also be seen through our slogan, which is our mission statement, aiming to 'transform lives, one drop at a time. I used Vista print to create the logo as I really liked the drop idea it gave me, I then chose the surrounding text and the format of it, to finalise I gave the text a fading colour and made the water droplet a contrast of high to low for the colour blue. I also chose the infinity sign to be used to separate the name from the slogan.

logo yemen.png


I initially started using photoshop to start my print advert, however I decided to change the software I was using for ease of usage, I have finally been able to transfer the necessary photos with edits complete, I struggled with editing the photos on canva as I was not at first able to download the photos with a transparent background but after downloading the water droplets as a png from adobe photoshop I was able to transfer the pictures needed to continue with my pre- production of the print advertisement. The original background photo was very bold so using the design features from photoshop I used gradient overlays in order to make the photo fade out so my text would stand out as can be seen in the difference of visibility. I also used the effect of a white extrusion layer to give white definitions on the original image of the boy and his background to give a more literary look. I used the magnetic lasso tool on photoshop in order to take out only the water droplets and then I was able to keep it as its own image in my print advert.

I then finalised my print advert by adding borders around the main passage of text and the rain drop icons, I also added interactive social media icons into the print so when the target audience presses any of the icons they are taken to the according social media sites. I've added the main text which I intended to from my original plan of the print advertisement and made sure to adhere to my original mock-up as much as I could. I've also utilised call to actions with the donate button which takes users straight to our website and allows them to donate. All in all I think this is an effective print advertisement for my charity campaign which increases brand awareness for users on Instagram and supports our aim to fund for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


This project was about creating a media product for our target audience, citizens of Waltham Forest aged 16-24, in order to bring them happiness. Our brief from our client was pretty simple, create something that will make the audience happy, and I believe we did that to the best of our ability in the form of what we think will be a very entertaining podcast. 

For our research we conducted a questionnaire to members of our target audience in order to find out information about our audience first hand rather than from a secondary source. We understood from this research that many of them were eager to earn money, we utilised this information and enhanced our podcast with planning to add a ‘side hustle’ initiative within the podcast which would surely gain attention amongst the community.

In our post-production we used an editing software called ‘CAPCUT’ to edit our production, add music/cut out unwanted clips etc, to make sure our production was as good as it could have possibly been. This made our podcast sound smoother with less errors within giving our viewers a better experience when watching.

We plan to distribute our podcast via the web, in this modern era most people have access to the internet and considering our target audience it is most likely they will all have a smartphone in which they can access the world wide web to tune into our podcast, we chose this as it makes our podcast flexible being able to tune in anywhere at any time, as long as there is a stable internet connection, our podcast is also downloadable so can be saved and listened to at another time, we believe this makes the distribution of our podcast very effective.

I thought about creating a podcast which would be both informative and funny to correspond with the brief and at the same time help our young viewers, I think I done that to the best of my ability so I am happy with my product but still believe I could have done better as I believe there is always room for improvement. I managed to meet the brief but will not know of the aims until my product is distributed out to the audience. If I were to do it again, I would make sure that I spend more time focusing on the actual product and get better at post-production to enhance my overall podcast.


When editing on Cap Cut there were several factors to consider to ensure everything went according to plan, I first extracted the AI generated voice which I had recorded on voicememos so I could keep the sound without the background, I then preceded to mute the original videos sounds as they had some locals pr reporters speaking in the background of it. After I compiled my videos I ended up changing the order around quiet a bit so it went hand in hand with the audio and made sense as a narrative. And then before finishing off I made sure the timing of each scene aligned with the timing of the narration to make it seem like a smooth operation which was a difficult task. Then to finalise the post-production I added transitions in the videos to give the advert a sense of realism and not just a bunch of videos played on after another and I have also added subtitles, so the reader is able to read along with the narrator.

I completed my TV advert after getting the necessary permissions from the owners of the images and clips I used who happily provided them in order to support the charity as their views had aligned with mine. This would appeal to a mass audience, particularly the older demographic of 40+, including the psychographic groups of succeeder’s and mainstreamers. Overall I believe this was a very effective TV advertisement

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